Virginia Beach Strawberries

Virginia Beach strawberries

Pungo Strawberries Will Tempt Your Sweet Tooth and Appetite for Adventure

When we say farm-to-table, we mean it. And there is no sweeter sign that summer is on its way in Virginia Beach than local strawberries bursting with juicy, red goodness. Mild temperatures, rich soil and warm Atlantic waters make our Pungo Agricultural District the number one producer of strawberries in the state, boasting more than a dozen pick-your-own farms where kids and adults alike will love loading up baskets with these luscious natural delights.

No time for picking? Head to the nearest farm stand and grab a ready-made basket of crimson beauties along with jams, jellies, dressings and more. Strawberry season in Virginia Beach starts in April and runs through June depending on the weather, crop yields and number of visitors. Most farms and stands are no more than a 10-minute drive from the Virginia Beach resort area.

If you’re visiting a you-pick strawberry farm after a few rainy days, a pair of rubber boots are a good choice for traversing rows of leafy strawberry plants in search of the plumpest picks for your basket. And don’t forget a hat and sunscreen to make the most of your picking time without paying the price.

While you are out and about enjoying Virginia Beach’s many delicious dining experiences, keep an eye out for fresh Pungo strawberries on menus—from salads to pies, ice cream cones to cocktails. And, of course, strawberries aren’t the only thing you can pick or purchase from Pungo farmers. From blueberries to broccoli, a variety of seasonal, fresh-grown produce is available throughout the year.

  • activities
  • farm to table
  • Pungo
  • strawberries
  • vacation
  • Virginia Beach
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